Art show

2_art_show_sign4A couple of weeks ago, I approached a local real estate agent about some empty shops in my local area. I’d been thinking they would be great for a pop-up art show. I was thrilled when he agreed to let me use the space for a reduced rent.

I called my artist friends and said ‘We’re having a show! in Yarraville!!’ One friend immediately asked ‘What’s the theme?’ to which I replied ‘We’re not from the VCA*! We don’t need a theme! We’re having a show! Bring your work!!

The show is opening on Friday night, and about one third of the work is at the space. Now comes the challenge of curating – deciding which works to put together in which rooms. The space is large and there are 18 artists involved, most of whom I met while studying Visual Art at Victoria University. It’s difficult to get a show when you’re an emerging (unknown) artist, so this is a great opportunity to show our work. It’s so exciting!

Lo-fi: new art collective is at 130 Gamon Street, Yarraville from 1–4 August, opening 6pm on Friday 1 August. Everyone is welcome to come and have a glass of wine and celebrate with us at the opening!

*VCA = Victorian College of the Arts

One a day

I was getting frustrated with myself for not doing enough work… I think not having a studio at the moment isn’t helping. But maybe that’s just an excuse. Anyway I decided to set myself the challenge of doing at least one drawing, sketch or small painting every day for a month. Here are the first few… I haven’t got anything for yesterday but I was printmaking at Uni all day and I made a few nice prints, but didn’t photograph them.

22/02/13 Kusama window, water colour22_02_yayoi window

23/02/13 Kate, water colour23_02_kate

24/02/13 Succulents, water colour24_02_succulents

25/02/13 collage25_02_collage